The objectives of this assignment are to:

-Name 5 games
-Describe them in terms of their of their purpose, rules, how to play, winning and losing conditions, the setting before and during the game, requirements for the players, time limit and score tracking and other important details.

Further details on this assignment can be seen in the picture below:



-To hit
most of the players with a ball as they try to dodge it within a circle.



-A large
ball such as a soccer ball or a beach ball. (it should not be as a basketball
as it may hurt the players).

-It should be played outdoors in a large area.

How to Play:

players into 2 teams.

team should form a circle, while the other team stands in the circle.

sure the circle is large enough for the team that is inside, is able to run
within the circle and dodge the ball.

forming the circle are to throw the ball while aiming towards the team inside
the circle.

team inside the circle must dodge and run around within the circle to abvoid
beinghit with the ball. They are not allowed to throw or catch the ball.

Winning condition

last player that is left inside the circle does not need to be hit because they
are the winner.

Losing condition:

-If a team member inside the circle is hit, they have to stand outside the circle and
join the other team to try and hit the other players within the circle.



-Take away the most of the opponents pieces.


-2 players.

-Checkerboard and checkers pieces

-Place moving pieces on darker squares.

-Cover all dark squares.

-All red pieces should be placed on each dark row of
squares starting from the bottom side.

-All black pieces should be placed on each dark row
of squares starting from the top.

How to Play

-Move pieces one space diagonally forward onto the
square that is the same color as the square the piece was on first.


-The player who has skipped over and taken the all checkers
pieces of their opponent wins.


-The players who’s checkers pieces are taken away
from their opponent loses.

Air Hockey

-To hit the puck into the opponent’s goal post.


-2 players.

-Air hockey table.

How to Play:

-Place the puck in the centre of the air-hockey

-One player should count to three, and after the count,
both players must try to grab the puck with the paddles.

-Each player must hit the puck towards their
opponents goal posts within 7 seconds.

-If a player keeps the puck for more than 7 seconds,
on their side, they will have to give away their puck to their opponent.

-If one causes the puck to fly off the table, they
must give it to the opponent.


The first player to score 7 points wins.

11 Cards

-To stack the whole deck of cards into one set of three
rows and columns.


-Full deck of cards.

-The Joker cards won’t be needed.

How to Play

-Place the deck face down.

-Take 9 random cards and place them in one set of 3
rows and 3 columns.

-Cover each pair of cards which are number addends
that add up to the sum of 11.

-As for the J, K, and Q. They shoul be covered
together as J, K and Q.

-This process should be repeated until the whole
stack of cards fits onto the rows of cards. That is how the player wins.


-When all rows and columns are covered, and all the
cards have been used.


-When random cards are about to be place on the rows
or colums but they do not add up to 11.

Rock, Paper, Scissors


-2 players.


How to Play

-Both players must stretch their fist forward.

-Next they shake their fists up and down 3 times while
both saying “Rock, paper scissors!” each time their fist goes down.

-After shaking their fist, each player should then
make a hand gesture of any of the following:


Rock vs Scissors:

-If players show: Rock and scissors, the player
showing rock wins and the one with scissors loses.

-The winner says “Rock smashes scissors”, as they
pretend their rock is crushing the scissors gesture.

Scissors vs Paper

-If the players show scissors and paper, the player
showing scissors wins and the player with paper loses.

-They then say “scissors cuts paper” and do the
action of scissors cutting paper as they fit their index and middle finger over
the side of the loser’s hand gesture of paper.

Paper vs Rock

-IF players show ‘paper’ and rock, the player showing
paper wins and the one with rock loses.

- The winner says “Paper covers rock” as they place
their hand over the hand gesture of rock the loser is showing.