The puzzle scene when the puzzle is unsolved.
The puzzle scene when it is solved.
Above are the bones that will be dragged to snap onto their targets.
These are the targets that the bones will snap onto. They will be at 0% opacity during the puzzle.
Bedroom as background.
This is a wood texture that will be a background for the introduction to the game.
This was the first idea for the dancing scene.
TThis is the final idea for the skeleton scene.
The skeleton that will be animated to dNance to some music.
These are spotlights that will shine on the skeleton when it is dancing on the dance floor. Tey will appear and dissappear and move back and forth.
These are a crowd of people that will be watching the skeleton dance. They are at low opacity so that they can blend into the spotlight, and backlight.
Gradient background acts as a backlight so that the crowd of people can be visible.
This is the dancefloor that the skeleton will be standing on while dancing.
the music was created by me because I could not find suitable music for the game.